Understanding Dojo...

Our Dog of Choice... 

Shiba Inu
The smallest of the Japanese native breeds

Shiba was originally developed
 for hunting in the dense undergrowth of 
Japan's mountainous areas.

"Excellent companion, 
as well as a watch dog"

Our Inspiration...

A traditional building of Japan,
 this architecture is designed to
 conform to the harmony of the environment.

*Used as a place of learning,
also known as a "Dojo"

"Life can be harmonic if you choose so..."

Know to go Green

We push to use "Eco Friendly" materials.

-Eco Option Brand - Makes it easy to identify products that make a difference.  Every product with the label Eco Options, label has less an impact on the environment than competing products.

Specifically, Eco Options products offer one or more of the following benefits:  Energy Efficient, Water Conservation, Healthy Home, Clean Air and Sustainable Forestry.

-FSC (Forest Stewarship Council) Lumber

-Freshair Paint (no poisonous additives)

In Conclusion...

Conforming with the environment is the goal, 
sense truely we are a big part of the environment.

Plus who says a dog doesn't like the outside?